Hello John! Is that John?

Welcome, John, to your reference pack for the Week of Awesome™ in the Gypsy town of Stow-on-the-Wold. There will be beer, merriment, and most importantly... games! This guide will hopefully get you familiarised with the various tabletop treats that you will shortly be inundated with.

Video Tutorials

You likely don't need to bother with the ISS Vanguard tutorial as we'll be starting with a tutorial quest but I'd strongly recommend watching the others before the gaming begins!

Lord of the Rings LCG Decks

Here are links to the decks I'm intending to bring with me (may help with your own deck building to have something that uses different spheres, etc). If you send me your decks when they're ready then I can build them and sleeve them in advance to save precious (ha!) gaming time.

  • The House of Húrin - A Lore and Leadership deck built around Gondor. It specialises in resource generation and staging area manipulation.
  • Now For Wrath, Now For Ruin! - A Tactics and Spirit deck built around Rohan. It specialises in questing and triggering huge attacks thanks to discard mechanics.

(You'll need to open these links on a device with the Precious app installed as I have not got the website outputting the data yet)